WARNING: This is a made-for-adults giantess fart game. It is designed for asexual, hetero-flatulent comfort.  All characters are fully clothed, but this game is still rated 18+

The 12 great rulers, known well across the 12 sided mirror: some were nice, others were cruel, but they had one thing in common: a longing for the home that they lost.

Too afraid to return, the undying queens coped with their loss in various ways.  

Despite their tragic past, the 12 great rulers went on to become matriarchs of the 12 empires, exerting their authority across the known universe. 

Updated 1 day ago
Published 13 days ago
Made withPixiJS
TagsAdult, fart, giantess, RPG Maker, Sci-fi
Average sessionA few hours


The Twelve Moons Game - Downloadable.zip 151 MB

Install instructions

Find the ZIP file in your downloads

Right click on the ZIP folder and select "Extract All"

Complete the extraction process.

After extracting the files, find the file that says "game" and open it.

Development log


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There will be a download link? I really want to download this game